the LiveGraphics3D applet and interesting sites 16-03-2024

How to leave this page?  Good question!

Of course you can use the "previous page" button or return to the home page, but you may also discover other sites devoted to polyhedra by clicking on one of the labels on the globe.
(Data extracted by Martin Kraus from the Mathematica package `WorldData`.)

The zoom function let you better distinguish the labels.
If an applet refuses to start, reload the page with Ctrl-Shift-R.


This Java applet, developed by Martin Kraus, allows you to move 3D graphics with your mouse (the SheerpJ JavaScript compiler allows you to display them without a Java environment).

to live on our Earth ...

how to use LiveGraphics3D

As soon as the pointer enters an applet zone the applet takes the focus and keeps it until it leaves the zone (click outside an applet to reactivate the keyboard shortcuts).
If, to reach a pop-up window P, the pointer goes over an applet in the main window M, this applet, and thus also M, picks up again the focus and may hide P (use the task bar to give the focus back to P or minimize M).

Below "left"/"right" points out the mouse's button to click, and "Shift"/"Ctrl" points out the additional key to maintain.

my favorite sites and programs (cf labels on the globe)

New York Hundreds of polyhedra and sculptures by George W. Hart (needs a VRML plug-in)
and his polyhedron generator using John Conway's notation.
Seattle WA An impressive collection of applets with a lot of data by David I. McCooey.
Brisbane Many very nice POV-Ray images with the data used to define the displayed polyhedron (Object File Format).
Illinois The polyhedra in Eric W. Weisstein's MathWorld encyclopedia (Wolfram) with LiveGraphics3D.
Erlangen The regular and normal kaleidocycles' theory by Marcus Engel, with a nice applet.
Zaragoza Study of an IsoAxis object with a video clip (in Spanish, translation in French).
Brussels The course by Xavier Hubaut: polyhedra and groups of isometries (in French).
Rennes the nice pages by Nicolas Hannachi (Math à mâter in French)
Terrace Poly is a must to begin with convex polyhedra.
Melbourne Great Stella is a very complete program to explore the polyhedra world and create your own models;
a paper by the author, published in Symmetry: Culture and Science review, summarizes the many features offered by Stella, and takes stock up of the research in polyhedra theory.
Stella4D by Robert Webb is the ultimate tool for 3D (polyhedra) and 4D (polytopes) investigations.

To produce the images animated with LiveGraphics3D by Martin Kraus (Germany) I used Mathematica, Great Stella  by Robert Webb (Australia), Hedron  by Jim McNeill (United Kingdom) and the polyhedron generator (John Conway's notation) by George W. Hart (USA).
Data from Eric Hackenholz, Christian Camalon and Hubert Martineau (Reunion Island, France), Xavier Hubaut (Free University of Brussels), Eric W. Weisstein (Wolfram Research, USA), George W. Hart (New York), Guy Inchbald (United Kingdom), Nicolas Hannachi (France), Arnaud Chéritat (France) and Maurice Starck (New-Caledonia, France).